Saturday, 19 October 2019

Why walking is good for your lower back?

Stay healthy, stay fit

Work-life and busy schedules never give time for people to breathe or even think about their bodies. Day to day life can sometimes ruin a healthy mindset of all. A bit of walking can be an excellent form of exercise that can be added to everyday routine. Walking is an easy activity that can treat many of the future health issues such as lower back pain, excess weight, and related problems.  

back pain treatment hyderabad

Benefits of walking 

Since the olden times, elderly people advise everyone to maintain a good posture, especially while walking. Walking a regular basis can show good results for a healthy lifestyle, and there are a few benefits for the lower back, such as: 

Strengthens the muscles that support the spine - work-life can create the muscles to be weak and lethargic. Over some time, this lethargy would lead to problems for the spine; hence, walking can be helpful at such circumstances to save your lower back. Walking helps to increase the blood flow, which improves the supply of oxygen and the required nutrients to these muscles.

Increases flexibility - lack of exercise can develop the muscles and joints to become stiff and painful in the long run. Walking can help increase flexibility while stretching the muscles and ligaments in the legs, hands, and lower back. Specific muscles are activated and stretched while walking, which could improve the flexibility of the lower back. 

Strengthens the bones - bone density reduces when there is no physical activity. Regular walking can help prevent the bone density to an extent by reducing arthritis pain.

While walking can improve the lower back, there are more benefits for walking, such as:

  • Reduce excess weight
  • Prevents heart problems
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Improves mood 
  • Helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Increases immunity 
Techniques for effective walking 
  • Warm-up or stretch the muscles before walking 
  • Walk briskly but, should be able to inhale and exhale
  • Keep the shoulders and hands relaxed 
  • Avoid leaning forward 
  • Use the appropriate footwear 
Tips to prevent lower back pain while walking   

Even though walking improves and strengthens the lower back; there are a few tips to keep in mind to prevent lower back pain, such as:
  • Begin with 5-10 minutes walk and gradually increase the distance and speed
  • Use correct posture while walking with the hands and shoulders relaxed 
  • Avoid brisk walking if it is painful 
benefits of walking
Walking is a simple and minor exercise for immediate and long term effects to improve the lower back, strengthen the muscles, to prevent unnecessary injuries and pains. Regular walking will help stay fit and healthy.

Blog Reviewed By: Dr Sai Sudarsan
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