Peripheral nerve disorder also known as peripheral neuropathy indicates certain problems related to the peripheral nerves. The function of the peripheral nerves is to send messages from the brain, central nervous system and the spinal cord to the entire body. For example, when your hands are cold, the peripheral nerves tell the body and you feel the tingling effect, numbness and weakness. Many types of peripheral nerve disorders are idiopathic which means the causes are unknown, but there are a number of other conditions that trigger the growth of peripheral nerve disorder.
What are the possible causes of peripheral nerve disorder?
Here are the lists of possible medical conditions & injuries that can lead to such disorder.
- Injuries from broken bones & tight plaster casts often put pressure on the nerves leading to certain complications in peripheral nerves.
- If the kidneys are not functioning properly and there is an imbalance of salt and chemicals in the body, one might go through peripheral neuropathy.
- Infections from diseases like HIV, Shingles, Lyme disease can lead to a nerve disorder.
- Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis & SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) often damage the peripheral nerves.
Some bad lifestyle habits like excessive alcohol consumption, taking drugs or consuming poisons like solvents and insecticides can also damage the peripheral nerves. Even a few kinds of cancer like lymphoma can harm the peripheral nerves.
What symptoms would you see if there is disorder in the Peripheral nerve?
- Tingling and numbness are one of the most common symptoms.
- Some people experience hypersensitivity to pins and needles.
- Loss of ability to fell heat and cold.
- Some individuals go through pain whereas some individuals become unable to feel pain.
- A sense of burning, shooting pains, stabbing, lancing is also experienced by many people, especially at night.
- Muscle paralysis.
If you are going through any of the above-mentioned issues, you need to consult a neurosurgeon immediately. Dr Sai Sudarsan is one of the finest neurosurgeons in India. Till now he has conducted several minimally invasive neurosurgeries and patients are doing quite well in their respective lives.
For a consultation, call at +91-7702199330.
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