Sunday, 19 October 2014

Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment In Telangana

Deep brain stimulation is a surgical procedure used to treat a variety of neurological symptoms, mainly as parkinson's disease. Parinson affects the nerve cells in the brain results in the death of dopamine degenerating cells. It is the most affordable treatment for the people who are affected by the parkinson's syndrome. It develops further and starts with tremor in one hand and it affects your movement.

Symtoms Of Parkinson's Disease

  •  Rigid muscles
  •  Slowed movement
  •  Loss of automatic movements
  •  Speech changes
  •  Loss of balance

 Main Causes

  •   Bleeding
  •   Infection

Treatment For Parkinson's Syndrome


It is the most powerful drug used, inorder to treat the parkinson's syndrome.The slowness movement, rigidity and the stiffness of the muscle can be effectively controlled by levodopa medications.

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

The main goal of treatment is to cure the parkinson's disease, for that reduce the symptoms and thereby restore dopamine production in your body and to improve your health. In this treatment procedure, electodes is impanted in to the specific area of the brain where control your movement. It thern connected to the pulse generator implanted in your chest area. These results in the impulses flow to the targeted area and improve the overall health.

Deep brain stimulation treatment is the effective method to treat the parkinson's syndrome including bleeding & infection. Dr.Sai.Sudarsan provides best treatment in Hyderabad.

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Saturday, 4 October 2014

Aneurysm Treatment For Bulging Of Artery In Hyderabad

Brain aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of blood vessels in the brain. It is usually occur in the weakened area of inner muscular layer of blood vessels. When blood passes through the weakened area of the blood vessels, the part is affected and bulging of arteries due to the increased blood pressure.

Symptoms Of Brain Aneurysm

  •   Severe headache
  •   Dilated pupils
  •   Sensitivity to light
  •   Loss of vision or double vission
  •   Pain around your eyes or on the sides of face  
  •   Weakness or numbness on one or both sides of body

Treatment Techniques For Brain Aneurysm

 Endovascular Cooling

 In this treatment procedure, thin tube is passed through the artery containing aneurysm. Bulging of artery is a serious condition and this can be removed by appying the electric current through platinum coil. The coil helps the clotting of blood and prevents the blood flow through artery.

Surgical Clipping

In this surgical process, neurosurgeon needs to make a cut to open the skull to acess the aneursm. After locating the affected part containing aneurysm, place a small metal clip on its neck inorder to prevent the blood flow to the aneurysm.

Brain aneurysm can be prevented by the lifestyle changes and controlling the blood pressure. It can be only possible by the assistance of a brain surgeon. Dr.Sai.Sudarsan provides best treatment for brain aneurysm.

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